Mark Dole

Mark Dole

Candidate: Dearborn County Council At-Large



Phone: 513-404-5762



Incumbent: Yes

Education: Graduated from University of Cincinnati- Law Enforcement

Professional Experience:

Employed by John R. Jurgensen Company for nearly 40 years. Currently as Regional Director of Operations and Business Development.

Served several years on the Board of Directors of a local bank.

Have been farming in Dearborn County most of my life.


Other Public Service/Public Service/Business /Other:

Served several years on the Dearborn County Sheriff’s Merit Board.

Past FFA Advisory Board member.

Former County Commissioner serving on various boards.

OKI Regional Council of Governments Board Member.

Coached Youth Football 13 years.

Currently serving as County Council Member at Large

In addition to my community involvement, I am proud to be a Lifetime Endowment member of the NRA, Knights of Columbus, American Legion SAL, Bright Lions, Integrity lodge #763, Murat Shrine, Scottish Rite, North Dearborn Conservation Club, Indiana Farm Bureau, and the American Society of Highway Engineers.



Past President of Sheriff’s Merit Board

Past President Dearborn County Conservation Club

Past 1st Vice President OKI Regional Council of Governments

Past President Dearborn County Board of Commissioners

Currently serving as Chairman of Dearborn County Republican Party


Why are you the best candidate for the office you are seeking?

As a lifelong farmer, I understand the importance of responsible stewardship of our resources and the need to support our agricultural community. Moreover, my service to the Sheriff’s Merit Board and my unwavering support for our brave men and women in uniform underscore my commitment to public safety and security.

I am a proud conservative Republican who believes in the principles of fiscal responsibility, economic development, and policies that prioritize the well-being of all residents. My dedication to these values, coupled with my passion for serving our community, make me the best candidate to help lead Dearborn County forward.


What will be your top priorities if elected/re-elected?

Fiscal Responsibility: Ensure prudent management of county finances, including budget allocation, spending, and resource management. Prioritize transparency and accountability in financial matters.

Infrastructure Improvement: Advocate for investments in infrastructure projects such as road maintenance, bridge repair, and utility upgrades to enhance transportation efficiency and safety.

Public Safety: Work closely with Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies to ensure the safety and security of all residents. Support initiatives that address crime prevention, emergency preparedness, and community policing efforts.

Support for Agriculture: Recognize the importance of agriculture to Dearborn County’s economy and heritage. Advocate for policies that support local farmers, promote sustainable farming practices, and preserve agricultural land.

Collaboration and Partnership: Build strong relationships with other local government entities, community organizations, and stakeholders to effectively address shared challenges and pursue common goals for the benefit of Dearborn County.